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General Information

There is a central registration directory of all domain names on the internet. To use a domain name, you must ensure that it is registered there. By registering a domain name you are linked to that domain name for the period that the registration is valid.

A high authority expired domain is a domain name that was previously registered by someone else, but has since expired and become available for registration again. However, what sets a high authority expired domain apart is that it has a strong history of backlinks and traffic, which have contributed to its authority and search engine rankings. Such domains are considered valuable because they already have an established online presence, which can be leveraged for SEO purposes.

High authority expired domains are valuable for several reasons:

Established backlink profile: A high authority expired domain already has a significant number of backlinks pointing to it from other websites. These backlinks can help boost the search engine rankings of a new website that is built on the expired domain.

Established online presence: An expired domain with high authority has an established online presence, which means that it already has some level of brand recognition and reputation among its audience.

Established traffic: An expired domain with high authority may have an existing audience and traffic that can be leveraged for a new website built on the domain.

Cost-effectiveness: Building a new website from scratch can take a lot of time and resources. Using a high authority expired domain can be a cost-effective way to get a head start on building a website with an established online presence and search engine rankings.

Boost SEO efforts: A high authority expired domain can help a new website to rank higher in search engine results pages, which can lead to increased visibility, traffic, and ultimately, conversions.

After purchasing a high authority expired domain, there are several steps that you may need to take depending on your intended use for the domain:

  1. Domain Transfer:You’ll need to transfer ownership of the domain to your own registrar or hosting provider. The transfer process can take several days to complete and typically requires authorization from both the seller and the buyer.

  2. Hosting Setup: Once the domain is transferred, you’ll need to set up hosting for the domain. You can choose to host the domain on a shared or dedicated server, depending on your needs and budget.

  3. Content Creation: You’ll need to create high-quality, relevant content for the new website. This includes writing articles, creating videos or images, and optimizing the content for search engines.

  4. Website Design: You’ll need to design the website, including choosing a theme or template, setting up menus and navigation, and creating landing pages.

  5. Backlink Analysis: You should analyze the backlink profile of the domain to ensure that it has relevant and high-quality links. If there are any low-quality or spammy links, you may need to disavow them or remove them.

  6. SEO Optimization: You’ll need to optimize the website for search engines, including conducting keyword research, optimizing meta tags, creating internal links, and building high-quality backlinks.

It’s important to remember that purchasing a high authority expired domain is only the first step in building a successful website. You’ll need to invest time and effort into creating high-quality content, optimizing the site for search engines, and building backlinks to drive traffic to the site.

After you purchase a domain, it can be available within 24 hours. In some cases, you may receive it on the same day!

Our domains can fit into a wide variety of industries and niches, as the value of a domain is often determined by its relevance to a particular topic or market. Some examples of industries or niches that high authority expired domains may fit into, include:

  1. Finance and Investing: Domains that have backlinks from financial institutions, stock brokers, and investment news sites may be valuable for websites related to finance and investing.

  2. Health and Wellness: Domains that have backlinks from medical research institutions, health news sites, and nutrition blogs may be valuable for websites related to health and wellness.

  3. Travel and Tourism: Domains that have backlinks from travel blogs, tourism boards, and hotel booking sites may be valuable for websites related to travel and tourism.

  4. Technology and Software: Domains that have backlinks from tech blogs, software review sites, and tech news sites may be valuable for websites related to technology and software.

  5. Education and Training: Domains that have backlinks from universities, educational institutions, and training organizations may be valuable for websites related to education and training.

It’s important to note that the value of a high authority expired domain is determined by its backlink profile, relevance to a particular industry or niche, and other factors, rather than the industry or niche itself. Therefore, it’s possible to find high authority domains that fit into a variety of industries and niches.

  1. Quality and Relevance: Our marketplace focuses on curating a collection of powerful domains that have a proven history and valuable backlinks. We prioritize quality over quantity, ensuring that each domain we offer has a strong online presence and relevance in its respective industry.

  2. Established Authority: Many of our domains have a significant online presence and established authority within search engines. This can provide an immediate boost to the buyer’s website in terms of search engine rankings and credibility.

  3. SEO Benefits: Backlinks are a crucial aspect of search engine optimization (SEO). By purchasing a domain with existing high-quality backlinks, our buyers gain a competitive advantage by inheriting valuable link equity and organic traffic potential.

  4. Time and Resource Savings: Building a domain’s history and acquiring authoritative backlinks can be time-consuming and expensive. By offering domains that already possess these qualities, we save buyers the effort and investment required to establish a similar online presence from scratch.

  5. Domain Investment Opportunities: Our marketplace recognizes the potential of powerful domains as valuable digital assets. By acquiring domains with history and backlinks, buyers not only benefit from immediate SEO advantages but also have the potential for future reselling opportunities at a higher value.

  6. Expertise and Support: We have a team of domain experts who can provide personalized assistance and guidance throughout the purchasing process. Whether it’s domain valuation, due diligence, or strategic advice, we offer professional support to help buyers make informed decisions.

Buying or renting a high authority expired domain can offer several benefits for website owners and online businesses. Some of these benefits include:

  1. SEO Benefits: High authority expired domains may have valuable backlinks and a strong domain authority, which can help improve the search engine rankings of a website. This can lead to increased visibility, more organic traffic, and higher revenue.

  2. Established Reputation: Expired domains may have an established reputation within a particular industry or niche, which can help a new website gain credibility and authority more quickly.

  3. Brand Recognition: If an expired domain has a well-known or recognizable name, it can help a new website gain brand recognition and attract more visitors.

  4. Cost-Effective: In some cases, purchasing or renting a high authority expired domain can be more cost-effective than building a new website from scratch, as it can save time and money on building a domain’s authority and acquiring backlinks.

  5. Link Building: High authority expired domains can be used to build links to other websites, which can improve their search engine rankings and drive more traffic.

Overall, buying or renting a high authority expired domain can be a strategic investment for website owners and online businesses looking to improve their search engine rankings, gain credibility, and attract more visitors.

Whether it’s better to purchase or rent a high authority expired domain depends on the specific needs and goals of a website owner or online business.

Purchasing a high authority expired domain can offer long-term benefits, as the owner has complete control over the domain and can use it as they see fit. This can include building a new website, redirecting the domain to an existing website, or using it for link building purposes. However, purchasing a high authority expired domain can also be more expensive upfront compared to renting.

Renting a high authority expired domain can be a more cost-effective option, as it allows website owners to leverage the domain’s authority and backlink profile without having to make a significant investment. Additionally, renting can be a good option for short-term campaigns or testing new markets or niches. However, renting may come with limitations on how the domain can be used and may not offer the same level of control as purchasing a domain outright.

Ultimately, the decision to purchase or rent a high authority expired domain should be based on the specific needs and goals of a website owner or online business.

Yes, we’d be glad to help find the best expired domain for you. Here’s what our team can do for you:

Find domains in your exact market and niche.

Save you time in navigating the list.

Answer questions about domains, TLDs, transfers, and more.

  1. We declare the domain owner’s details to National Telecommunications & Postal Commission, i.e. the details declared at checkout.
  2. Upon completion of the process, you will be informed by email from National Telecommunications & Postal Commission, which will include the authorization codes.
  3. You inform the registrar of your choice, of the authorisation codes you received from National Telecommunications & Postal Commission, so that the domain can be matched with a website of your choice.


At the moment we offer .gr Country Code TLDs (ccTLDs), i.e Greece.

The creation date at any ccTLD isn’t of any particular interest for Google, they monitor mostly com/net/org domains.

There are also some super safe country domains that don’t have a creation date at all so Google will not be able to check it, ever.

Domains List

We create our own list of domains, which enables us to identify the valuable SEO domains that are expiring in advance.
See the list here: Domains List

The price of an expired high authority domain can vary depending on several factors. Some of the main factors that can affect the price of an expired domain include the domain’s age, history, backlink profile, traffic, and relevance to a particular niche or market.

For example, if a domain has a long history, high traffic, and a clean backlink profile, it will typically be more expensive than a domain with a shorter history, low traffic, and a spammy backlink profile. Additionally, if a domain is highly relevant to a particular niche or market, it may be more valuable to a buyer who is looking to build a website in that niche.


There are several ways to use expired domains for SEO, including:

Redirecting the domain: You can redirect the expired domain to your existing website to benefit from its existing backlink profile. This can help boost your website’s search engine rankings and traffic.

Building a new website: You can create a new website on the expired domain and use it to target a specific niche or market. This can help you build authority in that niche and generate traffic and leads.

Creating a private blog network (PBN): You can create a network of websites using expired domains and use them to link back to your main website. However, as I mentioned earlier, this is considered a gray hat or black hat technique and can result in penalties from search engines if not done correctly.

When using expired domains for SEO, it’s important to ensure that the domain has a relevant and clean backlink profile. You should also avoid using spammy or black hat techniques, such as keyword stuffing or cloaking, as this can harm your website’s search engine rankings. Instead, focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that satisfies user intent and earns natural backlinks.

SEO and PBN (Private Blog Network) are related because PBNs can be used as a tactic to improve search engine rankings. However, using PBNs for SEO is considered a gray hat or black hat technique because it involves creating a network of websites solely for the purpose of linking back to your main website.

PBNs typically consist of expired or purchased domain names that have an established history and backlink profile. These domains are then used to create a network of websites that link back to your main website, with the goal of improving your website’s search engine rankings.

SEO experts use various methods to choose PBN domains to buy. Some of the factors they consider include the domain’s age, history, backlink profile, and relevance to their target niche or market. They also look for domains with a high Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) as these metrics indicate the domain’s authority and trustworthiness in the eyes of search engines. 

Yes, expired domains that are purchased for SEO purposes can also be used effectively to build a new affiliate website, provided that the domain has a clean backlink profile and is relevant to the target niche or market. It’s important to choose the right domain and follow best practices to avoid penalties from search engines. When building a new affiliate site on an expired domain, it’s essential to create high-quality, relevant content and optimize the site for search engines. It’s also important to avoid using black hat SEO tactics and instead focus on providing value to the audience and building high-quality backlinks naturally.

Orders & Payments

  1. Use the filter to find suitable domains at
  2. Click on the cart icon next to the domain of your interest.
  3. Fill the form with your info and your offer.
  4. Track your email for a response.
  5. Choose a payment method and make the purchase.
  6. Receive an invoice.
  7. Choose a registrar for your domain or wait for an authorisation code.
  8. We make the transfer!

Currently we offer only Bank Transfer as acceptable payment method, but we plan to have available soon also the Credit Card as a payment method.

There are no restrictions for buying a .gr domain.

Domain Management

Log in on My Account page and in the Domains tab you will see all the domains you have purchased through

On this page you will find information about the domain such as Expiration Date, Registration Date, Nameservers etc.

  1. Select the domain you want by clicking on its name.
  2. In the pop up that will appear, click on edit and enter the verification code that has been sent to your email.
  3. Then, after pressing confirm, you will be shown the editable nameserver fields that you will fill in.
  4. Click Save and the process is complete.

If you have purchased the domain by telephone or email, you will not automatically see your domains on

In order to see your domains, you will need to set a code in the email we will send you in order to activate your account. Within one business day, you will be able to view and manage your domain.

If you have lost your account activation email, you can request a new account by emailing

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